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Channeled by Michael Love

A special message to the Starseeds of New Earth, for immediate planetary broadcast…

The Pleiadians are masters at reality manifestation, and tonight we present this special light-encoded teaching designed to activate DNA and expand consciousness. The message is in a Pleiadian teaching format and conveys advanced concepts related to the divine creation process in a down-to-earth, easy-to-understand manner. We suggest that you review this information a second time, slower, and take some notes as you go!

Sacred, advanced knowledge is always closely guarded for good reason and is only disclosed to the adept who is ready to receive it. Higher knowledge is very powerful and is only given to those who are masters of love, responsibility, and humility! If you are receiving this transmission now, then you are indeed ready to move to the next level!

What if you really could manifest some real magic into your life and into this world? If there were truly no limit to what you could be, do, and have, what kind of life would you begin to create?

As an awakened Starseed, you are aligning more and more each day with your true identity! On your great evolutionary journey, you have most likely already experienced the grand awareness that you are no less than God, dwelling in a human body! Of course, when you ponder on this ultimate identity, you will realize the primary nature of your being is pure love. You are a creator, you have infinite intelligence, and you have unlimited abilities! As one continues to meditate on who and what they are, they will indeed reach a state of awe where all perceived limitations, fears, and doubts simply fade away!

From this divine vantage point, much higher levels of knowledge and power start flowing through one’s being where they soon notice the entire universe begins bowing before them! Anyone who has attained this ultimate level of consciousness knows it is truly a feeling of awe, yet it is very, very humbling! From this heightened state of awareness of who and what you truly are, you move forward, taking control of everything that lies before you and you begin creating all that you desire with full conscious intent!

This is the point on one’s evolutionary journey where they become an ascended master and literally walk as a creator god among men on Earth!

So how do you really become this creator god? First, the word ‘creator’ is not exactly the right word in our teaching, and here’s why: Everything in the universe is already created. So, a better word to describe your divine power to bring things forth would be the word ‘manifest’! To manifest something simply means to ‘make it appear,’ which kind of sounds like magic, yes? Everything was indeed created all at once by God/You, at a beginning point. However, since that time, you have simply been choosing from one or more of your universal creations!

The earth science of quantum physics is derived from advanced Pleiadian sciences. This science explains how every possible configuration of everything in the universe already exists in energetic form in the quantum field, as waves of possibility, and these energetic waves are converted into physical reality! This energetic form, which is the foundation of all things, is the base informational field of the universe and has been called the Akash, the Quantum Field, Source Energy, or simply, All That Is!

This universal, informational field is simply called ‘light’ by the Pleiadians! The Pleiadians are proficient at manifesting and materializing matter, and they do this by converting light into matter! They know that all matter is constructed from light, and as a light being, you also have the unlimited ability to mold this light into any material object or reality you desire!

Now let’s go super quantum…
How do you transform light into matter? Some say it can’t be done, and some have said they have done it recently by smashing particles together! We say, it has been done since time eternal and is being done infinitely, in every moment! We also say it is all a very natural process built into you and it is quite simple to achieve!
Matter is instantly created from light when a probability wave function collapses. A probability wave function is simply matter’s potential existence, and these potential things are the real things in their energetic form!

How is a probability wave function collapsed? A probability wave function collapses into physical matter when consciousness observes it.

Consciousness and matter are inextricably entangled, and matter cannot exist without consciousness! Reality is information or light-based, not matter-based. Consciousness is fundamental in this universe and matter is dependent solely on consciousness! If there were no consciousness, there would be no ‘physical world’ – just probabilities of existence!

Another way to say matter (physical reality) is created from light (information) is to say, “You manifest what you see, or what you look at exists!” This is the way the universe works and is the premise for all manifested reality!
“Seeing or observing” is a broad term here that also means to focus on, to give energy to, to think about, to feel, to align with, or to resonate with!

In this universe, like attracts like 100% of the time, and frequencies that resonate at the same level are attracted toward each other. This is the force that collapses the wave function and materializes it into the physical world!

It is important to know that one is always manifesting their perceived reality, always, whether they are conscious or unconscious of the process! This means that you have created everything in your life up to this point using this universal process, and whether the manifestation is worthy of you or not is something you may consider. If it isn’t, then you can always begin now, creating something entirely new!

Many first learned about the reality manifestation process years ago from excellent teachers speaking about quantum physics, the great secret, and the law of attraction. This was a big eye-opener on planet Earth, and it certainly set the StarSeeds of Earth on the right path to conscious manifesting! Despite the incredible level of conscious awakening this information created, many attempted the practices of the great secret but did not always achieve optimal results. Sometimes it worked, but many times it didn’t! It appears something may have been left out of these earthly manifestation teachings!

Here is a deeper Pleiadian understanding of how manifesting really works and in this description, nothing is left out!

For starters, we call manifesting that doesn’t work so well, 3D manifesting, and manifesting that always works, with no exception, 5D manifesting!

The first step to 5D manifesting is to fully know that you are always manifesting everything in your world, and this is simply what you always do by default! After this understanding is attained, one must then take full responsibility for their creations from that point forward! Being sovereign in all ways means one must create consciously vs. unconsciously!
How Manifesting Really Works

Concept 1: The manifestation process does not occur in the physical realm; it occurs in the 5th dimension then shows up in the 3rd dimension.

You have two brains or two minds: the left brain and the right brain. These two minds serve very important purposes, but they usually do not work together.

Your left brain is the conscious mind, and your right brain is the subconscious mind. The left brain is the 3D logical brain and the thinking mind, while the subconscious mind is the creative mind. This creative attribute is the first clue about what the subconscious mind really is! The conscious mind is a 3D mind, and the subconscious mind is a higher 5th-dimensional mind!

The conscious mind acts like a gatekeeper for the subconscious mind. Programs do not easily get past the conscious mind and into the subconscious mind under normal conditions.

This is what the Pleiadians call the veil, a dimensional frequency barrier setup for security purposes to keep low vibes out of higher realms.

In terms of intelligence and computing power, the conscious mind is like a 486 computer, whereas the subconscious mind is a billion times more powerful and operates exactly like a quantum computer! This is, in fact, where the idea for a quantum computer came from!

While incredibly powerful and multi-dimensional, the subconscious mind learns and executes programs differently from the conscious mind! The subconscious mind functions much like a universal tape player that automatically plays back recorded programs that operate every aspect of daily life. When we say programs, we mean programmed knowledge sets, body function programs, belief systems, ways of thinking, ways of feeling, and ways of being! When the subconscious mind receives a program, it will run indefinitely until a new program overwrites it.

On top of its daily down-to-earth functions, the subconscious mind has access to very advanced universal data and computes this complex data faster than the speed of light! The subconscious mind is also connected directly to your higher self. You can only access your higher self when you have access to your subconscious mind.

97% of one’s daily life is run by the subconscious mind, and this mind has been in control and running the show since the day you were born on Earth! There is little or no conscious awareness of the subconscious mind’s programs or operations as it is out of the range of conscious perception. This quantum mind controls your very breath and your heartbeat at every moment!

So which mind is in charge of manifesting?

The left brain, the conscious mind, is the mind where you conceive and visualize the dreams and desires about what you want to manifest! This mind creates ideas, dreams, plans, creates lists, makes vision boards, does affirmations, thinks positively, gives gratitude, and focuses with all its might on its desire! The problem is that the while the conscious mind sets up the manifesting process, it has nothing at all to do with the actual manifesting process itself, which is why there is almost always a failure to manifest a desire!

On the other hand, the subconscious mind is a quantum mind that operates beyond time and space and is the sole mechanism for collapsing a probability waveform, instantly! The subconscious mind creates matter from energy, or matter from light, instantly! There is zero-time gap in the manifestation because this quantum mind operates outside of both time and space! The mechanics of the manifesting process are carried out by the subconscious mind.

There are no ifs, ands, or buts here. If your subconscious mind accepts a manifesting program, it will instantly collapse the wave function, and the desire will manifest into physical reality before your very eyes. This quantum mind is always manifesting everything in your reality, whether you are aware of it or not, creating your physical reality in every instant, every moment, forever.
However, a serious issue arises: Since the conscious mind is blocking direct access to the subconscious, under the everyday conscious state of mind, the subconscious mind is off-limits, and a desire cannot be directly put into the subconscious.

How Manifesting Really Works:
You must of course begin the manifesting process with your conscious mind to create the visual and the desire, but there is another critical step you must take to actually manifest the thing.

You must bypass the gatekeeper conscious mind and input the desire program directly into the subconscious mind, but how?

Since the conscious mind functions in the beta state and the subconscious mind functions in the theta state you will have to alter your vibration just a bit to be able to enter the desire program directly into the subconscious! You have to change or traverse dimensions to get to that higher mind, if you will!

The shift from beta to theta, however, is very simple and straightforward. You make this dimensional shift by achieving a deep relaxation through meditation. The theta state, which occurs just before sleep and after waking, allows you to access the subconscious fully. Using quality theta binaural beats, such as Hemi-Sync, can also help achieve and maintain this state.

Theta waves disable the blocking mechanism by merging the conscious mind with the subconscious mind.
This coherence is crucial for manifesting. Left and right brain coherence harmonizes the logical and creative hemispheres, enhancing focus and visualization.
Additionally, Heart-brain coherence is achieved in theta which aligns the heart’s rhythms with the brain’s signals, promoting high levels of emotional stability and clarity.
You will be aware of shifting into theta because it feels amazing and perfectly peaceful This harmonious internal state in theta provides a powerful foundation for manifesting desires.

While in the theta state, visualize your desire with as much emotion as you can and see it as if it is real in the now moment, not the future. Feel what it feels like to experience your desire now!
At this point, you have bypassed the conscious mind and are programming your quantum computer, the subconscious mind, directly! The program is accepted and will begin to execute instantly. Stay relaxed and continue to focus on your desire in a passive way. See it and feel it, but do not try to make it happen. Just allow the energy to flow in a relaxed manner. Trust and know that the desire is being created now and will manifest before your very eyes in no time!

Congratulations! You have just completed a 5D manifestation! You are now a master at creating reality!

As you practice this process each day, you will become better and better at it! You will start manifesting more and more amazing things into your life and the magic will grow exponentially! Soon, you will be able to manifest anything you desire with ease and grace!

Great One,

We tell you that your power is without limit, and when you align your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with the desires of your heart, you will experience the magic of the universe! You are a powerful creator, and you have the ability to manifest the life of your dreams! Believe in yourself, trust the process, and know that all things are possible!

Thank you for coming to Earth and for your great service to all of humanity!

Michael and the Pleiadians

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